Thursday, July 28, 2005

Joke of the Day

This must surely be the Joke of the day!I saw it early in the morning...early as in 12am+.....haha...let's do a quick recap...

Joke No.1
Me: What happen to your mouse?
**: Acting crazy leh...
Me: ......(WTF...asking u a technical question and u gave me a superficial answer.Its like,you bring your spoilt TV to the repair shop,and the repairman ask you wat's wrong to your TV,and you replied "spoilt lor...")
Me: ..........(continued silent)
**: The click sometime got,sometime don't have lor...
Me: wheeled mouse ah?
**: no, optical uses laser light...

At this point,I almost burst out laughing...I never heard of "Optical mouse using Laser" that a new invention?Hmmm..Maybe its happening in our Eastern part of the island....
Some pple have a tendency to talk like a pro when they have 'nothing up there'...only for pple to expose or mock at them.Usually found in management level...

Joke no.2
**: (realising been exposed) Hehe...not laser lar...some form of light....(gave crappy excuse which I catched no ball)the manual all in Japanese....
Me: (Are manuals supposed to tell you how the mouse work?I thought manuals only tells you how to make the items worked...No wonder you think its in Japanese...its alien to u..)
Me: Don't know,don't anyhow say.....
**: Wanna smock you mah......

Smock me?Ha!Don't know say don't know lar..still come out with silly excuses to cover her mistakes..Not that I'm a pro..but I think its just common knowledge that optical mouse don't use Laser...Otherwise,why is it called Optical?FYI,there are mouse using laser-technology..but it's not built on the Optical platform,but the "Fast RF" technology...

Bet her face is blushing by then...

Let's see how an Optical Mouse works...

Optical mouse actually uses a tiny camera to take 1,500 pictures every second. Able to work on almost any surface, the mouse has a small, red light-emitting diode (LED) that bounces light off that surface onto a complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) sensor. The CMOS sensor sends each image to a digital signal processor (DSP) for analysis. The DSP, operating at 18 MIPS (million instructions per second), is able to detect patterns in the images and see how those patterns have moved since the previous image. Based on the change in patterns over a sequence of images, the DSP determines how far the mouse has moved and sends the corresponding coordinates to the computer. The computer moves the cursor on the screen based on the coordinates received from the mouse. This happens hundreds of times each second, making the cursor appear to move very smoothly.

No prizes for guessing who "**" is......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa..very enlightening leh. I dun really know the REAL work behind a optical mouse leh.

4:29 PM


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