My Logitech mouse which I used for my notebook was acting crazily since last nite..so today specially dropped down to Sim Lim and bought 1.This is the 'bargain' I found.Gee...I swear its the cheapest in the whole SLS..other shops sell $23-25,and I found this for $19 in Fonny's.Further bargaining cut the price to $18!What a good deal for a branded optical mouse with 3-yr warranty!!My fren,Mike,would be happy to tell u what happened to his fancyful $18-with-free-pad Emtec mini wireless mouse.Well,he dumped it after less than a week,cos it went crazy..Always trust big names when buying mouse.Some brands to avoid: Emtec,A1pro,A4Tech and other brandless ones than u never heard before....

Update a bit...I realised that my old Logitech mouse is still functioning well!!Yeah!!Must be the software conflict..did I tell anybody my new 'hobby'?I'm trying to crack WEPs!Laymen terms(for people like Twinkle who probably translate 'WEP' into "Where Eat Prata"): WEP is the password to a private wireless network. Me is this case,is trying to hack into my neighbours' network!Why?Cos I'm damn DL that my own network is giving me a miserable signal 'bar',elseas my neighbour's showed FULL!!WTF.See beh buay song!! So I got some softwares,and need to keep switching my network's card driver..which probably cause the crazy reaction of my mouse....
Anyway,that new mouse can wait...3 years unfilled warranty...no hurry lar~~
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