Wednesday, November 15, 2006
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definitely a woman!!!
9:50 AM
What makes u so sure? unless u r the driver....
8:05 AM
Dear twinkle*,can you come up with something more intellectual?
9:12 AM
skylarlady so confidently said is a woman without giving any explanation. Since she can assume, y can't i give my comments?
9:41 PM
I can come out with something more intellectual, if u want. I said is a man doings. A woman is vy particular abt little things.If the parking are slightly slanted, she will try to park it right. She won't leave it in that position. Only a man will not be so particular and not so 细心。
9:53 PM
At least she make a guess straightaway...unlike some people asking silly question like "unless u r the driver...."...OBVIOUSLY I'm not the driver...Or you mean you're not aware I'm not the driver???Either way,it shows your knack for doing something silly....
10:30 AM
Everytime say u smarter than me, blah blah blah.. i m replying to skylarlady hor. what's make u tink i m referring to u, Ah Tom? Of cos i know u are not the driver lar!*knock your head*
6:50 AM
nah, i wish i can drive. but i can only ride a bike.
anyway, why a woman? whole world also know woman can't drive. they sucks. they should be banned. i dun mean ALL women, but most women shouldn't be on the road.
it wouldn't be a man 'cos man got high ego problem, they'd rather be caught dead than parking their car this way.
its a woman for sure. cos this is the best she can do...
8:49 AM
I agree.Women are the worse driver in this world,or at least in S'pore.I can idenify the gender of the driver simply by watching the way the car is driven.Quite similar to the way old people drives.Slow move-off,unclear intentions,unable to make up mind which way to go etc.What a torture!And the damn insurance companies are charging them lower premiums cos they "get into accidents less often". My foot!!They are they very reasons why accidents happens!
Of cos,there are good female drivers arond too,maybe just 1 in 10.My sisters are among them.The way they drive,worse than hooligans.My patience already very low,but my sis beats me to it.
I stick to my argument that this is a male driver.Cos if it's a female driver,she would be standing beside the car,frantically making calls seeking help!
9:06 PM
Twinkle,how do you say "细心" in English eh??
9:07 PM
Damn Ah Tom! Know my english not that perfect and u purposely want to spell it out. Hmmmm.... is it "thoughtful"? Or u got a better word for it?
5:36 AM
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