I'm wished to declare, I have found the "WOMAN OF MY LIFE" !!!
Hmmmm...okok...some correction..(in case I have nightmares...)
Correction: "(Most intolerable) WOMAN OF MY LIFE"
Twinkle* will be happy to learn that she'hv been overtaken....
Well..if you appeared in my blog for the wrong reasons once,you ought to reflect on yourself(Twinkle excluded). IF, you appeared for the wrong reasons twice,you ought to get a life.(Twinkle excluded again.She will appear many many times here.She's the "nonsense generator")
Ok.Let's find out why I can't tolerate this woman.
1. Selfish.
I was doing some last minute revision for my to-be-flunked test, and there's this topic I could never understand.Knowing the type of person she is, I decided to make 1 last attempt and approached her.Asked her to teach me.
She looked at me from the side of her eyes (the kind of bloody damn sarcastic look), then half-heartedly gave me some crappy explantation which is totally useless. It don't take a fool to realise if someone was really interested to tell you something.
2. Self-Proud
What is Self-Proud?If a person is rich for example,he showed off his wealth,then,he is coined "proud".If, a person don't even have anything to be proud of, and loved to show off, then,it's "self-proud" aka "fool,idoit,etc". Now,this woman loved to show off her so-called "knowledge".But,you know an idoit speaking when you listened to her speak.Do you listen to Dr Chee Soon Juan speak?No right?Simply becos he made no senses in his speeches.He's only targeting the PAP.But then,how many of you people reading this,listen when LHL speaks?Let's first figure out who LHL is.
3.Reluctant to accept different views.
Anyway, I had the unfortunate luck to team up with her and another guy for a project.(This,I really have myself to blame.)Other people's group have 6 people, this kay-kiang woman only get 3!Less people = more jobs.What is this woman thinking??Never mind.Curse myself.Well,I did some research on what's needed to be done and initial a meeting with them 2.While the guy is generally quiet,keeping his comments to himself since he has yet to read what's to be done,this char bor briefly read thru and declared: Need a carrier frequency!!Cannot work without carrier frequency!!And insisted it all the way. Look,I have done some researches and I'm sure that's not required,though I don't know what the heck is a carrier frequency.But when your team members refused to even listen to your comments,you gonna have a hard time working with them.If she's right,I got nothing to say.But hey,I researched enough to voice what I found.
Anyway,next day, she LL have to agree with me when she read further.
4. Lots of bullshit.
Pls, we'hv already behind schedule for the project.Other groups at least distributed jobs, mine?Din even meet up to discuss!Not that I din try,but I hardly get to meet them.And whenever I see them,I will bring the project topic up.Then this woman will start to deviate from the topic and start telling her grandmother stories of her early UNI days.Then the guy will follow and chip in his.Me?I tell a bit to entertain.But when I realised they aren't keen to engage in the project discussion,I moved on.
These people haven realise the deep shit they're in if no circuit designs appear in the next 10 days.(I have made some calculations and forecasted what to expect when nobody else actually bothers.Naturally,nobody see a 'disaster' coming.)Then,they can spend 15 hours in the labs chit-chatting their grandmother stories.And of cos,that will cost them 30% of the entire subject.
Me?I would have broken away from the group and do it individually.
5. Etiquette
Now,I finally understand why she's single and very available.(I guessed,and I'm pretty sure,if you seen & know her.)
Let's not be personal.Forget her 'beauty' or 'figure'. I do have other friends lacking in these departments,but they're happily attached or married.Why?Read on.
We met up yesterday at Mac to discuss the project.At one point, I leaned over(she's sitting opposite me) to listen to her explain something.The moment she opened her mouth, kowz!!Limpeh immediately retreat further back!Kowz,don't know what she put in her mouth...a person wont smell that bad even if no brushing for 3 days!!Fxxking stinking!!(DSTA can look for her to create stink-bombs!)
This one below takes the cake....
After 2 hours of brainstorming,I was totallly exhausted,especially with all her grandmother's bullshit stories again.With the Mac's counters facing me,I started to fantasize diging into a nice Hot Fudge by my bed...suddenly....
out of nowhere, smelt something REALLY stinking!!!That woke me up,and I looked around...WTF!!There she is,crossing up her fat porky leg, took off her shoe,and worst of all, happily DIGGING into her toes!!(ok,make that "her socks")WTF x 100!!! Limpeh immediately walked up and head towards the door!Did I mentioned we are just seated by the side of the entrance?So,anybody walking in thru the door, or outside Mac watching thru the glasses,not to mention whoever inside Mac,including the counters, can see in full view what her disgusting acts!!I wondered how many potential businesses Mac were turned away during that 10 mins.I don't think anybody can enjoy their meals in such enviroment....
By the way,she did not wash her fingers immediately after her Heavenly Moments. Whatever. I made sure I don't touch her.Any part of her puked me.
So now understand why I very sure she's "single & very available"?Well,if my mum forced me to marry such a woman,then next year,same day, will be my anniversary.No doubt.Living with someone you can't stand,is worse than living in Hell.
I mean,certain acts,especially the disgusting ones,keep to yourself lar.Do it in the ladies,in your room,in Sahara Desert or wherever.Don't showcase to the entire world your silly stuff and degrade yourself.Don't blame people if they look down on you cos of these acts.You want to dig nose,adjust your bras or panties,shave those excessive armpits/legs hair,or scratch your itchy privates,do it in your own little space.Don't bring your disgusting acts into the public.Only Chinatown's market Ah Pehs do that....
A word of advise: if you wish to have a partner-in-life,make sure you have at least one of these 3 things:
i) Looks (at least looked like human.Features must look excatly what they are:features.For the dumb, it simply mean, eyes looks like eyes,nose look like nose etc.)
ii) Figure (Not too overly thin or fat. Thin,look like dried corpses.Think: Xu Chun-Mei. Fat, not 100kg hippos. Men simply can't stand very FAT women.)
iii) Character (Also virtues, behaviours,manners,tempers etc.In other words, "inner beauty".Gals who lost out in the Looks and Figure usually have this department to make up for.If they don't have, like my friend above, then, they are,well, like my friend above.)