Thursday, April 28, 2005
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Long time no write story liao...write something happened today lor....
Today went to NUS for physio...nothing interesting lar,but when I left for home,its abt 6pm liao...
You know how jam the expressways are at this hour rite?Anyway,I was driving along AYE...decided to switch to the next right-hand lane, i check my side mirror and making sure its clear, I gradually switch to the next RH lane...
Just then, a Class 2 or 2A bike came to beside my car while i was still trying to position my car fully into the lane. Obviously the guy on the bike wasn't happy...for wat reason,don noe lar...maybe i abruptly cut into his lane lar..but being a careful driver,i always make sure the lane is clear before i cut into,conculsion is,the bike was speeding despite the heavy traffic else would i not see him in my side mirror?
Anyway, to cut the story short,as soon as I saw the bike beside my car, I slowed down for him to speed up so that i can cut fully into the lane...but,after a while,that chap still riding his bike beside me...obviously he's up to some tricks...think he want to be guai-lan lar...
Never mind lor..he want to play,let him cant be bothered..i let him overtake,he don want..want to play, I just drive along and try to overtake him instead.
After a while,like about 50m later, he gave up the game and overtook me...and after flashing me the infamous 'middle finger', he sped off.
If you guys think I am very angry, well,you are wrong...I don even know whats wrong with him,and I allow him to overtake but he chose not to...well, he can carry on with this little immature game of his,I wont be bothered...
My purpose of writing this story is, well, to pass a message to the fellow bikers around, that whatever games u play on the road,and if things happened,there is only one loser: YOU! Why?cos, if accident,at most i lose some money for car repairs...but for you?YOU PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!! Some foolish bikers I have seen,even naively thought they could actually stop a huge truck with their tiny little bike, and loved to ride slowly in front of them and provoke the truck wonders hundreds of bikers lost their lives on the road each year!
I don noe what u bikers do,but when I am on my little lamb, I am very careful.I don travel in between vehicles,especially at high speed,unless at traffic lights.Some drivers,ladies & Indians especially,always makes me damn fed up that I wanna punish them on the road..but i never forget that i'm always the loser when accidents happen. Maybe you may survive the accident,but wouldnt death be a better option if worse things like being paralysed happened to you?you not only suffer,your family suffers with you as well!
Well,Bikers, do your part on the road.Stay out of trouble.Cos,you will never win a Battle on the Road.
Btw,this bike I met on the road today is F? 3260A....
Monday, April 25, 2005
Song to recommend
Recently heard this song by Penny Dai Pei "wang3 qian2 fei1"..think quite nice leh...
I always thought she's quite a talented singer...well,she writes her own songs and sing them..she has her own style..though most of the songs not my type lar...but hey..she has a clear,crisp voice leh...
download the song and listen for yourself.Suggest you listen to it when u are totally relax,not when u want to listen to some silly jam boom boom will like it more...
Lets hope Sally won't cry when listening...
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Basketball Cheat!!
Got a "die-die-must-win" basketball game against your strongest opponent?I teach u how
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Hated Bush?Here's your chance to have a go at him...
Glasses are Important!!
If you need glasses,go get one soon...don save on it...or's why..
Friday, April 15, 2005
Friday, April 08, 2005
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Links to share
Today very boring....nobody to bicker with me...
never mind...I post some links to share with you people...
Test Your STRESS Level
Though I don really like such bo-liao stuff,nevertheless,there may be someone out there who enjoy this kinda stuff..especially here
Tak Giu
Stand literally for "Kick Ball"...a local low cost,short production about 3 chaps dying to playing football.Not really amusing,but let's support local stuff ok?
Touching Clip
This is a cartoon clips,quite a touching one...
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Adventurous + Pissed Morning
Reaching Fullerton Hotel in a bucket of sweat, I was surprised to see a friend there...Being the friendly me as I'm always am, I went over and chat with her...:"Hey!!!How come you are here?"
However,there are some people whom, I have learnt, you don't need to say 'hi' even if you met this kind of circumstances,you should simple turn back and walked away to spare yourself from spurting blood out of anger...
So,the story continued with me walking over to chat with this friend as mentioned above...Guess what response I got:
She: "Why should I tell you?"
With 'friends' like this, who needs enemies?
And to think that I recommended her to these seminars. I shouldn't have even mentioned these events to her...why bother anyway?These kinds of people won't appreciate anyway...

Saturday: wake up early morning at 9.30am (consider my standard) to attend a free seminar I signed up at Asia-Seminar.The location: Fullerton Hotel. Transport: MRT. I must admit,I wasn't too sure how to go by MRT,though I drove past Fullerton often.Embarked on my 'long' journey...if you understand what I mean.The red dots represented the route I foot....

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